How to use RANK Function In Excel

Nov 04, 2020 • edited Nov 06, 2020

How to use RANK Function In Excel

The RANK function in Excel returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers. Use RANK.AVG to return the average rank if more than one number has the same rank.

1. If the third argument is omitted (or 0), Excel ranks the largest number first, second largest number second, etc.

Descending Order

Note: when we drag the RANK function down, the absolute reference ($A$1:$A$9) stays the same, while the relative reference (A1) changes to A2, A3, A4, etc.

2. If the third argument is 1, Excel ranks the smallest number first, second smallest number second, etc.

Ascending Order

3. The RANK.AVG function in Excel returns the average rank if more than one number has the same rank.

Average Rank

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