How To View And Customize The Status Bar In Excel

Feb 01, 2020 • edited Feb 02, 2020

How To View And Customize The Status Bar In Excel

This tip helps you discover how to quickly display statistics on the status bar by simply highlighting data.

Excel allows for up to 6 statistic options to be viewed on the status bar, namely; Average, Count, Numeric Count, Minimum, Maximum, and Sum.

The status bar is a name for the lower edge of the worksheet window, which displays various information about an Excel worksheet. The status bar can be configured to display things like sum, count, and average of the currently selected cells. It also displays information about the current status of the worksheet, whether scroll lock or end mode are enabled, etc.

Right click the status bar to control what kind of information is displayed.

In order to view the stats, you will need to right click on the status bar and click to enable the stats option you would like to see on the status bar.

The status bar at the bottom of Excel’s window can tell you all kinds of interesting information, such as whether Num Lock is on or off, the page number, and the average of numbers in selected cells. Even better, you can easily customize the status bar to show just the information you want.

To show and hide items on the status bar, right-click anywhere on the status bar and select the items you want to see. Any items preceded by a check mark will display on the status bar. Note that some items only display on the status bar under certain conditions, even when they are enabled. The Customize Status Bar popup menu stays open so you can select and deselect multiple options. Simply click anywhere outside the popup menu to close it.

#How To#Tutorial#Status Bar#Formulas

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